Anxiety, Depression, Love, Mental Health, Mothers

Happy 22nd Birthday-I miss you!

Today you would have turned 22 years old… Just like every passing year, it makes us sad that you’re not here with us. Momma is sad. This is always a difficult time for her. Me & Tina always check up on her though and try to make her smile. Me & Tina are sad too.… Continue reading Happy 22nd Birthday-I miss you!

Anxiety, Depression, Love, Mental Health, Mothers, Motivation, Stress

Motherhood and Mental Illness

You know you’re a mom when you’re in the beginning of a breakdown but then hear your little one get mad at big brother and start crying, so you suck up your tears, clean your face and tend to your kids. I see you I feel you You are not alone Motherhood while living with… Continue reading Motherhood and Mental Illness

Anxiety, Depression, Emotions, Love, Motivation, Quotes, Stress

Be Proud

These past few months have been the most difficult for so many people. Make sure you realize how you have been coping and dealing with the stress. How you’ve been dealing with the anxiety or depression. Remember how strong you are and how you’re still here, still fighting. I’m proud of you ❤️. -Jen, xo

Anxiety, Emotions, Love, Mental Health, Poetry

Happy 21st Birthday Baby Brother

Over the years I’ve wondered what you would look like as a grown man Would you be tall like Val, or short like mom? Would you have facial hair or be clean shaven? Would you walk with a bounce or a strut? Would you be serious or goofy? Would you always try to protect your… Continue reading Happy 21st Birthday Baby Brother

Anxiety, Depression, Emotions, Improvement, Love, Mental Health, Peace, Stress, Therapy

Just Thinking…

Why is it that I let people’s actions or inactions bother me so much? I need to learn that others aren’t as considerate of my feelings, the way I am of theirs. Yes I know we all live busy lives, yet certain people have no problem at all in keeping in touch with one another...… Continue reading Just Thinking…

Anxiety, Children, Depression, Emotions, Love, Mothers, Motivation, School, Stress

How is Everyone doing?

Hi all, How is everyone doing during this workout wide pandemic? I can imagine how many are feeling even more anxious and nervous during these trying times. The self quarantining is starting to get to my and my family. My son misses his friends. The baby needs more outdoor time, husband is working from home… Continue reading How is Everyone doing?

Anxiety, Blessed, Children, Emotions, Faith, Humor, Improvement, Love, Mental Health, Mothers, Motivation, Peace

I Turned 37

Hi all! So yesterday was my birthday! I have to say I had such an incredible day. I'm so glad my birthday blues went away and I was able to enjoy the day with my husband. I woke up to my 8 year old son shouting "Happy 37th birthday!" After my mini heart attack, I… Continue reading I Turned 37

Anxiety, Depression, Emotions, Faith, Improvement, Love, Mental Health, Mothers, Motivation, Peace, Poetry

A Tranquil Ocean

I long for days where my mind is like a tranquil ocean,  Instead of tumultuous rapids. Wanting to feel weightless and free, Only to feel the weight of worry and fear pulling me under, fighting to breathe, to be seen or heard. I long for days where I feel pure love and respect for myself,… Continue reading A Tranquil Ocean