Anxiety, Depression, Emotions, Mental Health, Poetry

Staying Afloat

The mind is a vessel that travels deep into the oceans of the unknown Into the depths of darkness and uncertainty that we try to steer clear of Thoughts, conscious or not, spiral out of control as we fight to stay afloat -Jen, xo

Anxiety, Depression, Emotions, Mental Health, Poetry

Anxiety Attacks

One of the worst places to have an anxiety attack, is in the shower. Being overcome by emotion when the water is running, & vent fan is on... Knowing that while you’re crying & hyperventilating alone on the shower floor, clutching your chest because it’s tight & you can’t breathe, that everyone in your home… Continue reading Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety, Depression, Emotions, Improvement, Love, Mental Health, Peace, Stress, Therapy

Just Thinking…

Why is it that I let people’s actions or inactions bother me so much? I need to learn that others aren’t as considerate of my feelings, the way I am of theirs. Yes I know we all live busy lives, yet certain people have no problem at all in keeping in touch with one another...… Continue reading Just Thinking…

Anxiety, Depression, Emotions, Mental Health, Mothers, Motivation, Poetry, Quotes


Please remember that you are still here.No matter how difficult the journey has been, you are here; You are breathing.You have made it another day to tell your story.You are stronger than you even realize.You are a survivor! -Jen, xo

Anxiety, Depression, Emotions, Mental Health, Mothers, Poetry, Quotes

Good Night Anxiety

I pray the thoughts slow down as you settle into bed, Your worries quieting down, as your head hits the pillow Body sinking into the mattress, breathing, gentle and rhythmic Eyelids closing as you leave this day behind, Dreaming of smiles and adventure, calm and tranquility, fully enthralled in this unfamiliar feeling. Good night Anxiety,… Continue reading Good Night Anxiety

Anxiety, Depression, Emotions, Faith, Improvement, Love, Mental Health, Mothers, Motivation, Peace, Poetry

A Tranquil Ocean

I long for days where my mind is like a tranquil ocean,  Instead of tumultuous rapids. Wanting to feel weightless and free, Only to feel the weight of worry and fear pulling me under, fighting to breathe, to be seen or heard. I long for days where I feel pure love and respect for myself,… Continue reading A Tranquil Ocean

Anxiety, Depression, Emotions, Mental Health, Poetry

Do They Really See You?

Do you know that ache you feel in your chest when your thoughts are trying to take over your mind? The burn in your stomach that tells you it’s starting... The anxiety is rising and even though you’re outside living life, You’re wondering if you’re important to people. You’re wondering if you will ever stop… Continue reading Do They Really See You?

Anxiety, Depression, Emotions, Mental Health, Poetry

When People Ask How I’m Doing

I just recently started reading the poetry book "Helium", that my sister bought me for my birthday. It was written by Rudy Francisco, one of my favorite poets. This poem stuck out to me because it's a good depiction of how depression feels when it takes over a person. -Jen, xo