Anxiety, Depression, Mental Health

Living with Anxiety

I am exhausted by what anxiety tells me on a daily basis. I am tired of the sick, nervous, stressed & angry feelings anxiety shoves down my throat every day. “They don’t really like you” “You’re really annoying” “They’re going to treat you poorly at this new place” “You obviously did something that upset him”… Continue reading Living with Anxiety

Anxiety, Depression, Love, Mental Health, Mothers

Happy 22nd Birthday-I miss you!

Today you would have turned 22 years old… Just like every passing year, it makes us sad that you’re not here with us. Momma is sad. This is always a difficult time for her. Me & Tina always check up on her though and try to make her smile. Me & Tina are sad too.… Continue reading Happy 22nd Birthday-I miss you!

Anxiety, Depression, Mental Health, Motivation, Peace, School, Stress

School & Anxiety

Guys! I should not be having an anxiety attack the first week of summer classes! I am so stressed out and overwhelmed! I am taking 4 classes for the first time ever, as a mother of 2 and it is intense. I’m only doing this because if I take 4 now and 4 in the… Continue reading School & Anxiety

Anxiety, baking, business, Mental Health, Motivation

All Baking Lovers, Please VOTE!

Hi everyone! If you have a moment, can you please vote for my incredibly talented sister?! She has been baking for over 10 years. Despite her hectic life as a mom who is constantly overcoming her anxieties , she makes the time every day to work on her various home businesses. One of these businesses… Continue reading All Baking Lovers, Please VOTE!

Anxiety, Depression, Love, Mental Health, Mothers, Motivation, Stress

Motherhood and Mental Illness

You know you’re a mom when you’re in the beginning of a breakdown but then hear your little one get mad at big brother and start crying, so you suck up your tears, clean your face and tend to your kids. I see you I feel you You are not alone Motherhood while living with… Continue reading Motherhood and Mental Illness

Anxiety, Depression, insomnia, Mental Health, Stress

Was it Real?

I had a really good day today.... And now I’m laying here anxious, feeling uneasy because something just doesn’t feel right. Does this happen to anyone else? One minute you’re happy and enjoying yourself, not thinking too much and then you get home and start going back on your day, thinking, and over thinking until… Continue reading Was it Real?

Anxiety, Depression, Mental Health, Stress


I need more sleep. I always go to bed late because it’s finally quiet at night, with everyone sleeping. The only time I have to myself is at night, so despite feeling tired, I stay awake watching my shows or if I’m anxious, I stay awake mindlessly scrolling tiktok. I wake up exhausted, with headaches… Continue reading Exhausted

Anxiety, Blessed, Depression, Improvement, Mental Health, Motivation, Quotes

Personal Growth

Sometimes it feels like you’re stuck or you don’t feel as if you’ve changed very much, but take a moment to really sit and reflect. It may be the smallest of things but I am sure you can pin point an area in your life where you have grown stronger or even happier. Maybe you’re… Continue reading Personal Growth

Anxiety, Emotions, Mental Health

Words of Wisdom

“We’re not crazy or wrong...we’re just dealing [with life]”. “We can’t change people or control how they act, we can only control ourselves” Two of my sisters said this to me when I was expressing how I’ve been feeling and it helped me to feel better. Having my emotions validated are so important for me… Continue reading Words of Wisdom