Anxiety, Blessed, Depression, Emotions, Faith, Improvement, Love, Mental Health, Mothers, Motivation, Peace, Prevention, Therapy

My Anxiety Survival Kit

When I’m feeling anxious, or stressed out, there are a few things I like to keep on hand, in order to help relax me and keep my mind preoccupied.

1. Essential Oils

I LOVE the smell of Sweet Orange oil. It relaxes me and puts me in a better mood rather quickly.

2. Oil Burner/lamp

The oil burner/lamp allows for the essential oil to warm up and spread quicker in the air. It’s also super pretty to look at! 

3. Coloring Books & Color Pens

Coloring allows me to keep my mind busy on the task at hand. It keeps me focused on the colors and keeps the negative thoughts away. It helps me go from anxious to relaxed by the time I’m done. 

4. Jazz or Golden Oldies Music 

It’s important for me to have the right music on when I’m coloring and trying to relax myself. Of course, depending on my mood, I will change my music choice. For instance, if I’m feeling aggressive or upset, I let out steam by listening to Rock music. But usually when coloring, I keep the tunes light and calming (for me). 

So that’s what’s in my Anxiety Survival Kit! Do you guys have things you keep near by, in case of an episode? If so, what helps you?

Peace & Love


11 thoughts on “My Anxiety Survival Kit”

    1. I really enjoy the oils, but their not for everyone. If it’s about the money, the sweet orange one I bought was only $4. Different scents vary in price. Maybe you can find a bundle online for cheaper :). If your not into oils, maybe just light some candles. They work just the same!

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